Nomex Flight Gloves from Merit Apparel

Posted on November 20, 2017 by

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When it comes to flying, you’ll want to make sure that the gear you are wearing is functional, warm and safe. Keeping this in mind, you’ll want to make sure to pick up a pair of our standard or touch screen compatible Nomex flight gloves.

Nomex flight gloves - standard

Why Choose Nomex Flight Gloves?

There are many types of flight gloves to choose from, but few stand up to the quality of Nomex flight gloves. Nomex is a material that is known to be fire-resistant and is used specifically for suits worn by astronauts, fire-fighters, and race car drivers. Nomex flight gloves are the perfect solution to protect the pilot and crew members against burns resulting from open flames and hot surfaces.

What is Nomex?

Nomex is the brand name for a textile produced by the DuPont chemical company. The textile itself is actually called synthetic aromatic polyamide polymer. It’s produced in a chemistry lab and consists of ring-like monomers that are bonded together into durable, long chains, which create incredibly strong fibers.

Because of its unique molecular structure, Nomex helps keep heat from passing through. If you put a flame up to the material, it will also take longer to catch fire than other materials, and will stop burning as soon as the heat source is removed. For example, Nomex takes at least four seconds to catch fire and only takes five seconds to stop burning once the flame is removed. Cotton, on the other hand, catches fire within two seconds and can take anywhere from 13 to 430 seconds to stop burning once the flame has been removed.

This means that it’s inherently flame resistant. The thick woven structure of its synthetic fibers makes it a poor conductor of heat as well, which means that it takes a long time for heat to travel through.

The fire resistant qualities of Nomex, not to mention it’s general light-weight nature, makes it an excellent material for flight gloves. For more information about our full line of Nomex standard and touch screen compatible flight gloves, be sure to contact us at Merit Apparel today.

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